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作者:东东笑话网2021-03-15 05:03类型:爆笑男女笑话 已有114人围观 点击提交给百度收录


没有表达任何意思,就是一个不怎么好笑的笑话。番茄一家出门,爸爸妈妈和宝宝。番茄宝宝走的很慢,拖拖拉拉的。番茄爸爸急了,"啪"的一下吧番茄宝宝挤扁了,喊了一句--Catch up!/Ketchup (快点/番茄酱--因为被挤扁了)。《低俗小说》1、基本介绍《低俗小说》是由昆汀·塔伦蒂诺执导,布鲁斯·威利斯、乌玛·瑟曼、约翰·特拉沃塔、阿曼达·普拉莫、蒂姆·罗斯等主演的犯罪电影。影片由6个彼此独立而又紧密相连的故事所构成,6个故事都各自讲述了一个不同的事件,但他们却都有着共同的戏剧属性将它们紧密相连。2、剧情介绍本片由“文森特和马沙的妻子”、“金表”、“邦妮的处境”三个故事以及影片首尾的序幕和尾声五个部分组成。其中有洛杉矶的黑社会,包括有自己道德标准的杀手、黑帮老大的情妇、下层社会的拳击手……黑帮大佬马派遣手下文森特陪伴他的妻子米娅,米娅不断向文森特献媚但他动也不敢动,怎料米娅吸入过量毒品昏迷不醒,吓得文森特手忙脚乱。另一方面,文森特与朱尔斯又受命铲除异己,从而引出故事多线的发展。3、角色介绍①、文森特演员约翰·特拉沃塔饰演黑帮老大马沙的手下,一个杀手,马沙给了文森特一个新的任务,让他陪自己的妻子蜜娅一个晚上。②、蜜娅演员乌玛·瑟曼饰演黑帮老大马沙的情妇。蜜娅和文森特通过默契的配合,夺得了一次跳舞比赛的冠军,从而满意而归。在文森特去厕所的时候,蜜娅无意中在文森特的外衣里找到那包海洛因,便吸食起来。从厕所出来后,文森特发现吸毒过量的蜜娅已经昏死过去。惊恐万分的文森特驾车把垂死的蜜娅带到毒贩兰斯的家里,经过一番手忙脚乱的抢救后,蜜娅终于苏醒过来。③、朱尔斯演员塞缪尔·杰克逊饰演黑帮老大马沙的手下,文森特的伙伴,是一个有着自己道德标准的杀手,后来,朱尔斯打算放弃杀手的生活,准备象苦行僧一样去追求真理而四处流浪。4、影片评价 在影片中围绕着洛杉矶黑帮,拳击手,神秘手提箱,意外走火及旅店抢劫等事件而展开的不同故事被同时交待,且随着影片的进行而相互交汇,除此之外影片也保留了黑色幽默片所惯用的程式化的一些其他因素如对经典的致敬及其他影射,引用等。本片的另一大特点就是以人物为中心的整体风格,这一点在片中大量对话及独白戏份中便可体现。大量意味深长的台词推动着整个剧情和人物的发展,展现出片中人物幽默及哲学思辨的内在属性,也在一定程度上替导演道出了心中所思。


直接翻译成cold joke就可以了,GOOGLE上查得到。而绝对不是black humor(以下详细解释) 冷笑话属于失败笑话的一种,是指由于笑话本身因为皆音字、或翻译、或省去主语、或不同逻辑、或断语及特殊内容等问题,或是由于表演者语气或表情等原因,导致一个原本好笑的笑话不能达到好笑的目的,较难引人发笑而成冷场,不过并不代表笑话本身沉闷,这也是幽默的一种表现。而现在听到冷笑话大多会会心微笑,有时作出双臂抱紧的动作表示:“好冷啊!”或与冷语意相关的说话与表现,如打冷震、温度、空调或炎热天气等等。 另外black humor(黑色幽默)是完全不同的概念,什么是“黑色幽默”呢?通俗地说,某个被判绞刑的人,在临上绞架前,指着绞刑架故作轻松地询问刽子手:“你肯定这玩艺结实吗?” 因此黑色幽默又被称为“绞刑架下的幽默”。 这一派作品中充斥的讽刺幽默与传统的幽默大不相同:并不表现一种单纯的滑稽情趣,而带着浓重的荒诞、绝望、阴暗甚至残忍的色彩。作品以一种无可奈何的嘲讽态度表现环境和个人(即“自我”)之间的互不协调,并把这种互不协调的现象加以放大,扭曲,变成畸形,使它们显得更加荒诞不经,滑稽可笑,同时又令人感到沉重和苦闷。 下面是几个冷笑话: The mean man's party The notorious cheap skate finally decided to have a party. Explaining to a friend how to find his apartment, he said, "Come up to 5M and ring the doorbell with your elbow. When the door open, push with your foot." "Why use my elbow and foot?" "Well, gosh," was the reply, "You're not coming empty-hangded, are you? 一个出了名的吝啬鬼终于决定要请一次客了。他在向一个朋友解释怎么找到他家时说:“你上到五楼,找中间那个门,然后用你的胳膊肘按门铃。门开了之后,再用你的脚把门推开。” “为什么要用我的肘和脚呢?” “你的双手得拿礼物啊。天哪,你总不会空着手来吧?”吝啬鬼回答。 I think that I'm a chicken Psychiatrist: What's your problem? Patient: I think I'm a chicken. Psychiatrist: How long has this been going on? Patient: Ever since I was an egg! 精神病医师:你哪里不舒服? 病人:我认为我是一只鸡。 精神病医师:这种情况从什么时候开始的? 病人:从我还是一只蛋的时候开始。 Who Is the Laziest? Father: Well, Tom, I asked to your teacher today, and now I want to ask you a question. Who is the laziest person in your class? Tom: I don't know, father. Father: Oh, yes, you do! Think! When other boys and girls are doing and writing, who sits in the class and only watches how other people work? Tom: Our teacher, father. 中文: 父亲:哎,汤姆,今天我跟你们老师谈过,现在我想问你个问题。你们班上谁最懒? 汤姆:我不知道,爸爸。 父亲:啊,不对,你知道!想想看,当别的孩子们都在做作业、写字时,谁在课堂上坐着,只是看人家做功课? 汤姆:我们老师,爸爸。 Old Farmer Johnson was dying. The family was standing around his bed. With a low voice he said to his wife: "When I'm dead I want you to marry farmer Jones." Wife: "No, I can't marry anyone after you." Johnson: "But I want you to." Wife: "But why?" Johnson: "Jones once cheated me in a horse deal!" 译文: 老农约翰逊就要死了。他的家人都站在床边。他声音低沉地对妻子说:“我死后,我想你嫁给农夫琼斯。” 妻子说:“不,在你死后,我不能嫁给任何人。” 约翰逊:“但我希望你这么做。” 妻子:“为什么?” 约翰逊:“因为琼斯曾在一笔贩马的交易中欺骗了我。”

低俗小说中 塞缪尔 杰克逊 老说的那段圣经原版谁知道(英文的)

正义之路上的人,被自私和暴虐的恶人所包围,以慈悲与善意祝福他带领弱者们穿过黑暗的山谷,他守护自己的兄弟,寻找走失的儿童。对那些试图毒害我同伴之人,我将怀着巨大的仇恨和无比的愤怒杀死他们,当我复仇之时,他们将会知道,我就是耶和华。 The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides,by the innequities of the selfish, and the tyranny of evil man.Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness.For he's truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.And I will strike down upon thee with GREAT vengeance and FURIOUS anger,those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers, and you will know my name is the LORD,when I lay my vengeance upon you.

求问电影“低俗小说”里采自圣经的一句台词 最好是中英文都有的 谢!

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the tyranny of evil man. blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And i will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the lord when i lay my vengeance upon thee. 邪恶的敌人以他们的暴虐和专制让正义的人们感到四面楚歌。 然而那些以博爱和善良的名义, 引领弱小者穿越黑暗峡谷的勇士, 必将得到神的护佑, 因为他是他的同胞的真正的守护者和迷失孩童的挽救者。 我将满怀仇恨和无比的愤怒, 灭掉任何企图毒害和屠杀我的同胞的敌人。 当我将复仇之火射向你的那一刻, 你会知道我的名字叫做耶和华。


低俗小说和圣经 ( 发表时间:2005-1-25 9:16:18 ) 楼主 “我向他们大施报应,发怒斥责他们。我报复他们的时候,他们就知道我是耶和华。 ——(《圣经》以西结书第25章17节) 电影中山谬尔杀人之前总是要朗诵一段圣经,据他所说是《圣经》以西结书第25章17节,可是饶舌的他总是将圣经中的上边几句话发挥成了这样:“正义的人的道路给邪恶的人自私和暴行的不公平所包围,以慈善和好意为名的人有福了,他带领弱者走出黑暗的山谷,他是兄弟的监护人,以及是迷途孩子的寻找人。我向他们大施报应,发怒斥责他们,他们企图毒害和消灭我的兄弟,我报复他们的时候,他们就知道我是耶和华。”几乎所以有关这部电影的评论都不放过这段话,以为是解开电影的关键密钥所在。其实后来山谬尔自己都说了,这段话不过是他信口胡说的。原来类似于《红楼梦》中的“假语村言”!山谬尔之所以说那段话,杀人似乎成为了一种仪式,而他就是那个仪式的施行者。可是到最后,他自己也说不清自己是什么角色,究竟是邪恶呢还是正义,只是有一点可以明白,枪口下的人都是弱者。既然森然无情的枪口可以对准任何人,那么谁都有可能成为弱者。所以那段话,山谬尔从斩钉截铁到不确定,正是他自己的一个社会角色反思的心路历程。也正是基督教所谓自我“救赎”。说到“弱者”二字,现在终于有些明白为何起初将“pulp:软绵、柔软无力之物”的解释罗列出来在片头了Jules: There's a passage I got memorized. Ezekiel 25:17. The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you. I been sayin' that shit for years. And if you ever heard it, it meant your ass. I never really questioned what it meant. I thought it was just a cold-blooded thing to say to a motherfucker before you popped a cap in his ass. But I saw some shit this mornin' made me think twice. Now I'm thinkin': it could mean you're the evil man. And I'm the righteous man. And Mr. 9mm here, he's the shepherd protecting my righteous ass in the valley of darkness. Or it could be you're the righteous man and I'm the shepherd and it's the world that's evil and selfish. I'd like that. But that shit ain't the truth. The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin', Ringo. I'm tryin' real hard to be a shepherd. 只能弄到英文原版的~~ 参考资料:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0110912/quotes 参考资料:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0110912/quotes


《摩登奶奶学英语》 第一部分 报幕员台词: W: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Both: 大家晚上好。 W: With the opening up of Sanya and the development of its tourism industry, English, as an international language, is becoming more and more important. M: 随着三亚的对外开放,三亚旅游业的迅速发展,英语,作为国际语言,在三亚变得越来越重要。 W: The Government of the Sanya City calls on the whole city to learn English. M: 三亚市委、市政府号召全市人民兴起了学习英语的新高潮。 W: Now, you can see everyone, men and women, young and old, learning English everywhere. M: 如今,在三亚,您随处可见男男女女、老老少少都在学英语。 W: The granny in this skit is one example. How hard she tries to learn English! M: 在这个小品中,您将看到老奶奶是多么努力地学英语。 Both: Let's enjoy the performance, “Modern Granny Learns English”. 第二部分 剧本台词: (时间:星期六早晨 地点:新风路,一居民家) Fang: (出场) My name is Fang Fang. I am a student of Sanya No.1 Middle School. Granny: 芳芳,芳芳。 Fang: Oh, my granny is calling me. Do you know my granny? Everyone in our neighborhood calls her "Modern Granny". She is learning English. She wants to learn English well. She wants to show foreigners the beautiful scenery of our city and tell them the interesting stories about the Li people. Granny: (奶奶上。练读旅游英语300句 ) How do you do(好赌有赌) ? How do you do(好赌有赌)? Nice to meet you(奶死吐米油). Me, too. I can't speak Chinese(爱砍他死屁踩你死). Can(砍) you(油)speak English(英国历史)? Yes, a little(啊里头). What can I do for you(我砍爱读佛油)? 这不,中国加入了WTO,2008年又要举办奥运会,人人都在学英语,我也要学English….. 芳芳,芳芳! Fang: 来了,奶奶。 Granny: 我的乖孙女,你再听奶奶读一遍,看看还有什么地方读得不好。(读旅游 英语300句)How do you do (好赌有赌)? How do you do(好赌有赌)? Nice to meet you(奶死吐米油). Me,too. I can't speak Chinese.(爱砍他死屁踩你死). Can you speak English(砍油死屁英国历史)? Yes(爷死), a little(啊里头).What can I do for you(我砍爱读佛油)? (她边读边摇头晃脑,很自豪的样子) Fang: 奶奶,什么“好赌有赌”,是“How do you do? ”。不是“英国历史”,是"English"。 是" Chinese",不是“踩你死”。跟我读。How do you do?(奶奶跟读) 不行,How do you do?(奶奶跟读) 好,再读 一 遍,(奶奶读)好,很好.I can't speak Chinese. Can you speak English?(奶奶跟读)再来,I can't speak Chinese.(奶奶跟读) 好的,再来。(奶奶读)Can you speak English?(奶奶跟读) 好,再练一下。 Granny: (练读两遍)好了,好了,不错了。(突然看见外宾路过)太好了!来了个老外!(站起,上前)Hello, (学外国人动作,伸开双手 ) How do you do? What can I do for you? Foreigner: How do you do? I want to go to the bank. Where is the nearest one? Granny : (急忙翻书)芳芳,他说的话在第几页? Fang: 这本书上没有这句话。他想去银行。Bank----银行。(奶奶练习 bank )(芳芳对外宾) Hello, welcome to Sanya. You are going to the bank, aren't you? Go along this street, when you reach the traffic lights, turn left. There is a bank about one hundred metres ahead, on the left, just opposite the bus station. Foreigner: Thank you very much. Your English is very good. Fang: Thank you. Granny: Hello, I 带 you go. Fang: Excuse me, shall my granny take you there? Foreigner: (对奶奶) Thank you. It's very kind of you. Granny: (摇摇头) No thank you. No thank you. (外宾显出不大理解的样子) How do you do? Foreigner: How do you do? Granny: Nice to meet you. Foreigner: Me too. Granny: 你们瞧,我会跟老外对话了。(看书 ) I can't speak Chinese. Can you speak English? Foreigner: (疑惑不解) Why, yes, of course. Granny: No. No. 错了,you错了,看,在这呢。(指书上) “Yes, a little. What can I do for you?”(外宾明白了怎么回事,笑) Foreigner: It's funny. (来到银行) (解放路,汽车站对面) Granny: Bank. Bank 到了。 Teller: Good morning. Welcome to our bank. Can I help you? Foreigner: Good morning. Can I change foreign money in your bank? Teller: Yes, you can. But what money would you like to change, please? Foreigner: Some U S D notes. Teller: How much, please? Foreigner: Two hundred dollars in all. Teller: Please show me your passport and fill out this exchange memo in duplicate. Foreigner: (填好 换水单) There, I've got them finished. And here is my passport. Granny: (指护照问) What's this? Foreigner: My passport. Granny: 买怕死婆(My passport). 买怕死婆 (My passport). Teller: Yes, everything is all right. Well, by the way, how would you like the money, Mr Smith? Foreigner: I don't mind. Any kinds of denominations are OK. Teller: Here you are, Mr. Smith. Your money comes to RMB¥1,654. Foreigner: Thank you very much. Teller: My pleasure. Foreigner:Your service is good and your English is excellent. Teller: I am very happy to hear you say so. Goodbye. And enjoy your stay in Sanya. Foreigner: Goodbye. Granny: Goodbye(骨德拜). (走出银行) F: I want to go to some scenic spots. G: 什么“搏”? F: Scenic spots.(拿出词典指奶奶看 ) scenic spots. G: 哦,是风景点。(想 了想)我带你go Luhuitou . F: Luhuitou? G: Yes. (指着300句鹿雕像的封面) Luhuitou。 F: Oh, it's a deer. G: 对,对 Yes, yes, deer(爹),deer(爹)。(亮相)deer(爹)回头. F: 爹回头? (奶奶,外宾左下,黎族姑娘右上,奶奶,外宾左上) F: Oh, a deer. G: 我们到了。 Lg: Hello, welcome to Luhuitou Park. F: Hello. G: 姑娘,你给咱老外朋友讲一讲鹿回头的故事,好不好? Lg: 好的。(对外宾)Have you ever heard the story of "luhuitou"? F: A story? No. Lg: This story is about a young man and a deer long long ago. F: A young man and a deer.(指塑像) Do you mean the man and the deer here? Lg: Yes. He was a hunter . F: A hunter? Lg: Yes. One day, the young man went hunting and found the deer. F: Oh, I see. Lg: When the deer saw him, it ran away. The young man ran after the deer until they reached the edge of the cliff. Suddenly, the deer turned its head and became a girl. F: The deer turned into a girl? Really? Lg: Yes. F: (指塑像) I think this must be the girl. Lg: Right. Do you know about the Li People? F: Li People? Yes. Lg: Later, the young man and the fairy girl fell in love with each other and they got married. They were the ancestors of the Li People. F: This is really a beautiful story. And that is why Sanya is also called the "Deer City", isn't it? Lg: Yes, you are right. F: Thank you for your wonderful story. Are there any other scenic spots in Sanya? Lg: Yes, there are many others. I suggest you go to Dadonghai, Yalong Bay and Tianyahaijiao. F: Tianyahaijiao? What does it mean? (黎族小伙子上) Lb: Welcome to Tianyahaijiao. (众转身) F: What does it mean by "Tianyahaijiao"? Lb: It means "the end of the earth. G: (对Lg)Sea 是什么?转自:http://www.coffbar.com Lg: 是大海。(奶奶练读) F: Tianyahaijiao is one of the famous scenic spots in China, isn't it? G:(对观众) 我知道,China 是中国。 Lb: Yes . A lot of people from home and abroad have visited "Tianyahaijiao" and they say "Tianyahaijiao" has impressed them.. F: Yes. It's a nice place. Lb: There are poems and songs written about "Tianyahaijiao".(播放歌曲) Listen, this is one of the songs. Its name is "Please come to "Tianyahaijiao". F: It sounds sweet. I enjoy it. G: 孩子们,我今天学了一些English, 你们听一听,帮一帮奶奶好不好?“银行”是"bank", "怕死婆" 是什么来了? Lg: Passport 是护照。 G: 哦," 怕死婆" 就是“护照”。还有“爹”是“鹿”,“sea”是“大海”。我听你们说那个“beautiful(比特夫)是什么? Lg: 不是比特夫,是beautiful。 G: 哦,是beautiful.(练习) F: Ladies and gentlemen, Sanya City is a beautiful city. I am glad to see everyone speak English here in Sanya. This granny is also learning English. It is very convenient for us to come for holidays and do business in Sanya. When I go back to the States, I will tell my friends to come to Sanya. All: Please come to Sanya. Welcome to Sanya.

《低俗小说》 为什么叫 Pulp fiction

The name "pulp" comes from the cheap wood pulp paper on which such magazines were printed. 意思是这种小说原来是印在廉价的木浆纸上的,所以叫pulp,而这种小说一般面向成年人,所以才衍生为低俗小说的代称了.


The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the tyranny of evil man. blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And i will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the lord when i lay my vengeance upon thee. 邪恶的敌人以他们的暴虐和专制让正义的人们感到四面楚歌。 然而那些以博爱和善良的名义, 引领弱小者穿越黑暗峡谷的勇士, 必将得到神的护佑, 因为他是他的同胞的真正的守护者和迷失孩童的挽救者。 我将满怀仇恨和无比的愤怒, 灭掉任何企图毒害和屠杀我的同胞的敌人。 当我将复仇之火射向你的那一刻, 你会知道我的名字叫做耶和华。

剧本:低俗小说Pulp Piction,盗梦空间Inception 哪位可以帮我弄到 英文+翻译?

很多资源网上一找就有了,要什么电影在百度一搜就出来了很方便。 热门的去优酷土豆啊迅雷啊爱奇艺也是一搜就有了。稍微久一点的就可能要到别的网站里面搜了。 最近的热门的刚出的稍微过一段时间就有了。 公众hao:aikannovel (会有你想要的资源) 参考资料:aikannovel“.”com

电影《低俗小说》中约翰特拉沃特说 在巴黎芝士汉堡叫做皇家汉堡 什么意思

芝士汉堡的英文原名是 Quarter Pounder with Cheese(麦当劳的招牌之一,四分之一磅芝士汉堡,)在法国因为用公制,鬼知道1/4磅是多重,所以改名为Royale with Cheese(皇家芝士汉堡)。